Steps aimed at promoting gender equality and elimination of violence against women and domestic violence, as well as future plans were discussed during the first session of the interagency commission that was held today at the Administration of Government of Georgia.
The Commission discussed the question of introducing three thematic groups that will be comprised of state and non-governmental organizations.
Co-chair of the Commission, Deputy Minister of Justice Gocha Lortkiphanidze indicated that the initiative concerning thematic groups will foster the implementation of the main segments and action plans that are stipulated in the mandate of the Commission.
“Namely, these action plans include the relevant document on gender equality and violence against women as well as domestic violence, as well as realization of the obligation prescribed by the Resolution 1325,” – Gocha Lortkiphanidze indicated.
At the session it was noted that coordinated efforts of the Commission will be particularly crucial in the process of achieving goals set by the mandate.
“Coordinated efforts of the agencies is crucial to ensure implementation of the relevant plans as intended, as well as to guarantee the process monitoring. At the first session of the Commission we attempted to outline our efforts, to summarize and stipulate the activities that shall be managed by the Council and various agencies in the future. We will promote this process as much as we can to ensure parliamentary support to this initiative,” MP Dimitry Yskitishvili noted after the session.
The Charter of the Interagency Commission on Gender Equality Violence against Women and Domestic Violence was adopted via the Government Decree of July 12, 2017.
The mandate of the Commission includes issues concerning gender equality, violence against women and domestic violence, as well as topics addressed by the UN Security Council Resolutions on “Women, Peace and Security”.
The Commission will also address wide range of issues, including fostering effective realization of the powers of various state agencies in terms of achieving gender equality and elimination of domestic violence and violence against women; as well as coordination of their efforts. The Commission is also entrusted with the task of outlining and submitting to the Government of the initiatives on achieving gender equality and elimination of domestic violence and violence against women, etc. The Commission is a coordinating body established following the Article 10 of the Istanbul Convention that will also oversee implementation of the measures rescribed by the above indicated convention.
Representatives of the state agencies, public defender’s office, LEPL Legal Aid Service, LEPL Public Broadcaster, Gender Equality Council under the Parliament of Georgia and the members of the Supreme Court of Georgia are included in the composition of the said body.