December 3, 2018
Inter-Religious Dialogue on preventing Domestic Violence and Violence against Women
At the meeting on December 3, 2018, the members of Inter-Religious Council discussed the role of religion in preventing and eliminating domestic violence and violence against women. The meeting was held in partnership with the Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality Issues, UNFPA Georgia and the EU Project “Support to the Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality Issues” and in cooperation with the Inter-Religious Council.
Members of eight religious confessions, Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality Issues, UNFPA Georgia and the EU project participated in the dialogue. Participants of the meeting discussed the following issues: implementing Istanbul Convention in Georgia; physical, psychological and economic violence against women; early / child marriage; harmful practices against women and girls and etc. During the meeting the role of religious confessions in fighting against violence and harmful practices was highlighted and future steps of cooperation were identified.
The meeting was the continuation of the initiative started by the UNFPA Georgia in 2016 in cooperation with Inter-Agency Council and NGO “21st Century”. During the last two years Inter-Religious forums and dialogues were arranged, meetings were held in several cities and regions of Georgia with the participation of religious figures along with the representatives of state and non-governmental sector. The purpose of the cooperation is to gain the support of the religious leaders in preventing early / child marriage and harmful practices.
In the process of awareness raising, distributing the right messages by the religious leaders plays a huge role in changing tolerant attitude of the society towards violence against women, early / child marriage and other harmful practices.
The meeting was dedicated to the 16-days campaign against gender-based violence, which started on 25th of November and will end on 10th of December.