December 5, 2018
Information Corners on Gender Equality and Gender Based Violence in Gori and Zestaponi
The information corners on gender equality and on gender based violence were opened at Gori University and Zestaponi secondary school in order to provide the students, teachers and the guests information regarding gender equality status in the country and to promote the importance of strengthening gender equality and to end the violence against women and girls. The corners will be open during the 16 days international campaign on violence against women leaded by the UN General Secretary.
“The information corners are very useful for public. It will help to get more information and awareness on gender equality which are important for the students and not only for them but for all guests of the university” – the Rector of Gori university said.
The 16 Days Campaign against Gender-Based violence, lasting from November 25 to December 10, contains a variety of activities with a common goal: To end the violence against women and girls in the world.